Chakra Balancing-Heart Chakra

How can you tell if your heart chakra is unbalanced?

As with all imbalances in your energy field there are both physical and mental signs that things are not right.

And as this energy field sits right over your heart, behind your sternum the physical signs have to do with the organs of the heart and the lungs.

You might notice high blood pressure, cold feet and hands as a result of poor circulation, cramps and sometimes immune related disorders.

Mentally you might have problems with attachment, either being overly attached, or detached, possessive, or clinging, or have an exaggerated sense of your own importance.

green aventurine

Path to enlightenment-

A balanced heart chakra is important for healers as it allows us to be in tune with our clients, have empathy with them, and treat them and their problems, with becoming too attached to the concerns and the energies that our clients bring in with them.

It is also key to further enlightenment, as energy must be able to flow from here up to our intuition and crown energies.

The Healing Crystals

When meditating, or even just to keep in your pocket near your heart as you go through the day choose healing crystals that are green in colour, such is Green aventurine, Jade, Modivate, Green Peridot and emeralds.

Aromatherapy for the Heart Chakra

When looking for balance you will want to use essential oils derived from the leaves of plants, so things that remind you of green leafy plants, not flowers or stems. Good choices are peppermint, Mint, Holy Basil, and Tea Tree.


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