
Balancing your Solar Plexus- How do you know if its not balanced, and why do you care?

Know Your Solar Plexus Chakra And How To Unravel Its Power
“Radiate your power in the world,” could say the solar plexus chakra. Characterized by the expression of will, personal power, and mental abilities, the energy of …

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Your chakra system controls the energy in your body, and how it flows, nourishes you, and maintains health.

Each energy centre has a different job, and different organs and body functions it supports, and your Manipura or Solar Chakra controls your power, your fertility, your consciousness and your overall balance. As well as your liver and pancreas.

Imbalance in the 3rd Chakra

Problems may show up as liver problems, acid reflex, diabetes, digestive problems, high cholesterol, and bowel disfunction, none of which is good. As well as mental stress, anxiety and uncontrolled anger. Eeeks, this seems like a lot from just one energy field, and it is.

If you are out of balance you may not see all of these flash up, but you will be increasingly suseptable to these problems, and the more out of whack you are the more your body will try and grab your attention with disfunction.

Chakra Balancing massage will help to determine if you have imbalance by using a pendulum to measure balance and energy levels. And then using aromatherapy, healing crystals, massage and lymphatic drainage to increase function and then measuring again to see if energy is flowing.

Getting a professional treatment is both relaxing and sometimes more impartial in diagnosing imbalance, and without telling your practitioner what is out of whack, they will be able to tell you what is not functioning and help restore balance.

Healing Crystals

The Solar Plexus Chakra corresponds with yellow stones such as Citrine, Tigers Eye, and Peridot are all excellent stones if you have an under active chakra, if you are over active you will want to use a green stone like Jade to cool it off.

Place the crystal on your chakra which is right below your ribs in the centre and meditate, you will feel the energy start to flow in 5 to 10 min.

solar plexus chakra

Citrine helps stimulate 3rd chakra.

Aromatherapy to Balance Solar Plexus Chakra!


When choosing herbs for and aromatherapy for overactive Solar plexus choose green leafy sources. Spearmint, Basil, Peppermint,Cucumber and Celery all enhance the functioning of the solar plexus. If you are applying any essential oil directly to the skin, remember to dilute it in a carrier oil, such as grapeseed oil, so that it does not burn your skin.


When choosing herbs, essential oils and aromatherapy for an under active Solar Plexus Chakra choose spices like Cardamom, black pepper and cinnamon.


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